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Settore Lavorazione Ciliegie
Lavorazione frutta secca e disidratata
Lavorazione prodotti della terra

The varieties most appreciated ofr immediate consumption are sold on general markets, they get sorted by size, manually checked for defects and imperfections then packaged and sent to commissioners.

Cherries are a greatly requested product for immediate consumption, its great organoleptic features combined with a low calorie and sugar content make it an amazingly refreshing snack.

Eaten fresh they are a concentrated supplement of vitamins A, C, E and minerals like Potassium, Calcium and Iron.

Currently almost all Italian cherries are produced here in the south-east of the province of BARI, with local varieties that vary greatly in color (yellow to orange, then so red to almost look pitch black), shape, size, texture of the pulp and sweetness.



Selected Italian Cherries for immediate consumption

Varieties: Ferrovia, Bigarreaux, Duroncino


Cassetta ciliegie 7 Kg
Vaschetta Ciliegie 350 Gr

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Gruppo Todisco

Via Chiancarosa, 25
70017 Putignano | Bari
Ph +39 080 4051491
F   +39 080 4058429